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Internal Spray Decoration

Traditionally, internal elements of houses have been hand or roller painted however the modern way of spray painting is a superior method of application with an enhanced and sleeker

Large scale renovation projects and new build houses are now almost exclusively sprayed using modern airless spray machines. This can also be achieved on most internal surfaces such as doors, bannisters, walls, ceilings, architrave, and skirting, so whether it is just a door that needs spraying or a large extension to your property, our specialist methods will ensure rapid application, even coatings and time saving to our clients.

The finished achieved on all internal projects when sprayed is unparalleled to any other method, whether this is flat matt or high gloss, the result will be distinctive from any other previous work carried out.


How it works


The surrounding area of the internal projects are cleaned and then masked to ensure that no paint is transferred to other areas nearby. If necessary, doors can be removed and either sprayed offsite in our specialist spray booth or in our pop-up gazebo outside.



Once the surrounds have been masked up, the surfaces are lightly sanded and any imperfections filled, they are then cleaned and degreased to ensure there is no contamination on the surfaces.

At this stage, specifically on doors, we can also fill in any current handle holes should you want to change them.


Application & Finish

Finally, the items are sprayed using a specialist paint designed specifically for that surface.

Once all is complete and dry, we will demask, clean, and leave you with your new internal paint projects.

Should we be spraying doors, we will also refit or add the new handles at this stage and rehang them.


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